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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Here are some videos of equestrian events, dressage and cross cauntry.

Equestrian Event (Rodrigo Pessoa and Baloubet do Ruet)

Dressage Event (Edward Gal and Moorland´s Totilas)

Cross Country    

The Spanish Riding School of Vienna in London(bonus)

Monday, June 13, 2011


  The horse is by Isabel coffee with milk (tending to light yellow) with dark manes and extremities.

O cavalo é pelo café com leite Isabel (tendendo a amarelo), com crinas e extremidades escuras.


  The horse is brown Sorrel, where the mane and tail are the same shade or lighter than the rest of the body.

O cavalo é Alazão castanho, onde a crina e da cauda, ​​é a mesma tonalidade ou mais leve do que o resto do corpo.


   The Albino horse has no pigmentation, their hair, mane and tail are completely white, pink skin and eye color pink or light blue.

O cavalo Albino não tem pigmentação. Sua pelagem, a crina e a cauda são completamente branca, o focinho e ao redor dos olhos tem cor rosada e os olhos são azuis.


   The Pampa horse has a coat with large meshes. To describe it, associates and word will pampa color of their coats:
pampa pampa-chestnut-brown or, if white is the predominant color;
brown or chestnut-pampa pampa, if the spots stand out more than the base coat.

O cavalo Pampa tem um revestimento com malhas grandes. Para descrevê-lo, devemos primeiro observar a cor de sua pelagem:
Pampa-castanha, se o branco é a cor predominante;
castanha-pampa, se as manchas se destacam mais do que acamada de base.


 The horse has the rat by a brownish gray, more or less dark, and usually dark manes. It is a very rare coat.

O cavalo tem uma pelagem cinza acastanhada, mais ou menos escura, e crinas geralmente escuras. É uma pelagem muito rara.


  The dark gray coat is a mixture of white and black on the bottom of a pigmented coat. The horse can be dapple-gray horse, dark or light, according to the predominance of black or white.

O revestimento cinzento escuro é uma mistura de branco e preto no fundo de um revestimento pigmentado. O cavalo pode ser tordilho cavalo, claro ou escuro, de acordo com a predominância do preto ou branco.


 The palomino horse, has the gold on the pigmented skin, with white mane and tail.

O cavalo palomino tem uma pelagem pigmentada da cor de ouro, com crinas e a cauda completamente brancas.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


    The horse chestnut mane and tail is darker. Among the most common shades are burned brown and chestnut brown.

A crina geralmente preta ou marrom forte e a pelagem marrom ou castanha, pode variar devido aos inúmeros tons. Entre os tons mais comuns são marrom queimado e castanho.

Monday, June 6, 2011


      In the XVIII century, Massachusetts, a stallion named Figurare controversial origin, said to be able to pull the heaviest loads and win races tied or mounted. With a extraordinároio genetic potential, it generated foals in his image.
       These animals have inherited the father's power and endurance, coupled with an unusual gentleness. Papidamente they earned such a reputation that came to be called Morgan, an allusion to the parent amiss: the Justin Morgan horse.
      Today, the Morgans are sought for all equestrian activities.
Source: United States
Height: 1.40 to 1.52 m
Coat: Chestnut, Chestnut-golden, brown or black.

No século XVIII, Massachusetts, um garanhão chamado Figurare origem controversa, disse ser capaz de puxar as cargas mais pesadas e ganhar corridasvinculados ou montado. Com um potencial extraordinároio genética, gerou potrosem sua imagem.
Estes animais herdaram o poder do pai e resistência, aliada a uma gentilezaincomum. Rapidamente eles ganharam tal reputação que veio a ser chamado Morgan, uma homenagem ao garanhão: o cavalo Justin Morgan.
Hoje, os Morgans são procurados por todas as atividades equestres.
Fonte United States
Altura: 1,40-1,52 m
Pelagem: Castanha, Castanha-dourado, marrom ou preto.



   Originally the province of Frise, the Andalusian Friesian certainly received blood in the XVI century, during the Spanish invasion.
     Able to both work on the saddle traction lightweight friesian is appreciated by all who seek a gentle horse, confident and beautiful.
Source: The Netherlands
Height: about 1.50 m
Coat: Always black.

Originalmente, a província de Frise, o Friesian certamente recebeu sangue andaluz no século XVI, durante a invasão espanhola.
      Capaz de tanto trabalho na sela tração leve friesian é apreciada por todos que procuram um cavalo manso, confiante e bonito.

Fonte: Holanda
Altura: cerca de 1,50 m
Brasão: sempre preta.


   A great horse for jumping and dressage.
  The British did not consider the Anglo-Arab as a race because some called purebred English and other half-blood Anglo-Arab (it is the cross between a thoroughbred mare and an Arabian stallion English)
  More from the year 1942, the race was made ​​official.
Source: England
Height: 1.45 to 1.60
Coat: All colors are pure, especially the brown and Chestnut


The Akhal-teke is the favorite mount of the nomads from the steppes of Central Asia because it has adapted to extreme climatic conditions facing them, without sacrifice.
For some scholars, this horse was created ni Turkmenistan during antiquity, circa 500 a. C.
    The Akhal-teke, considarado is the ancestor of the Arabian horse, which inherited its strength and simplicity that are legendary.
Source: Turkmenistan
Height: 1.42 to 1.52 m
Coat: presents with the silvery reflections.


  Horse very suitable for hunting, for he has rusticiade, fraugalidade and resistance.
  He contributed much in the formation of the first British horse racing, the thoroughbreds, because its speed is wonderful!                                                                               

Origin: North Africa.
Height: 1.40 to 1.50 m.
Coat: Chestnut, black, dark gray, dark brown and white.